Palm Springs According To My iPhone…and Instagram

Everyone loves a good holiday weekend.
When that Friday rolls around after a long week of work, nothing is better than getting in your whip and cruising to somewhere new. For the Memorial Day weekend, I chose Palm Springs. Upon moving to Los Angeles, I had heard, seen photos, and basically lived Palm Springs via the internet, word of mouth and pretty much everything but physically being there. So now, it was time to go to this magical land.
A few fashion friends and I packed up the car, set our alarms for an early start and hit the road to Palm Springs. After a couple coffees, sing-a-longs and scenic routes we took a slight pit stop at the Cabazon/Desert Hills Outlets. A few bags, an empty wallet, and a load of leather later, we successfully shopped till we dropped and made on our way to the Saguaro Hotel in hot Palm Springs. The pool was packed, the drinks were flowing, and the guacamole was never ending as we partied our way to Memorial Day and then slept all the way back to LA.

Here’s a photo recap of the colorful adventure!
Stay tuned this week for more travel adventures and sight-seeing stories.



PS3Sunglasses: Quay
iPhone 5 case: Sonix


PS6Oversized Jersey Sweatshirt: The Hundreds
Sandals: Nike




Until next time Palm Springs…..

Stay a lady with me on Instagram + Twitter + Tumblr + Pinterest
xxx K.

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